One of the first things a new organization does is craft a mission statement. Many years ago, as Linda and I were founding Fishbowl Ministries, we decided on the following statement:
Offering hope, encouragement, and friendship to all those in ministry so they may finish well.
I have been thinking of this concept of finishing well. Finishing well is not just for those in ministry, of course. All of us need to have the goal of finishing well, of running our race with endurance. Several of my friends and I are reading the book, Everyday Prayers, written by Scotty Smith, a pastor here in Nashville. He writes:
“Heavenly Father, the older I get the more I care about finishing this life well. I wish less temptation came with more years. I need Jesus’ mercy and grace today. I wish the diminishment of physical strength brought an automatic increase in spiritual strength. But that is not the way it works.”
Whether you are in the prime of life, or on the far side of youth, let’s all make it our goal to run this race well, and to hear our Lord say, Well Done. Thank you for all your prayers and generous financial gifts. Lets make a goal of finishing well!
Grace and Peace,