I have never written a book, but people who have tell me that sometimes they just can’t get
words on the page.. As I sit down to write this newsletter, I think I am experiencing a bit of this
infamous writer’s block. First, I apologize for being late with this letter. I have just gotten through
another round of Covid, and as you can probably guess, I haven’t had a lot of energy to devote
to my newsletter.
While I have been recovering, however, I have had time to think about pastors, and the many
struggles they face. Recently one of our FBM Staff told me that He and his wife were going to
attend a church on a given Sunday to minister to a young pastor and his wife who had been told
by the church that his services were no longer needed. That is a tough one to deal with.
I have a pastor friend who recently moved his family from Tennessee to the West Coast. He told
me later that he was so disappointed in making that move and he wasn’t sure what he would do
next. This kind of disappointment and disillusionment is why 70 percent of pastors are thinking
about leaving the ministry.
This is also the reason that Fishbowl Ministries has been called by God to work with pastors to
give them Hope, Encouragement, and Friendship
Thank you for all that you do as you pray for and give generously to Fishbowl
Grace and Peace,